Welcome to the Ipswich & District Federation Bowls League Home Page
(Site last updated - 24th July 2024)

Samford Finals 2022

These finals were held at Bramford BC on September 11th 2022
To see all results and a photo gallery of finalists and winners click on the Links below

Winners photo gallery

League Tables

Samford (Mondays) - after week 11
Samford (Wednesdays) - after week 6
Triples (Divisions A - D) - after week 12
Two wood (Tue and Thur) - after week 12

Samford KO Cup Final Result 2023

Stone Lodge 118 v 65 Kirton & Falkenham

Millennium Trophy Final Result 2023

Bramford 30 v 43 Stone Lodge Blues

National Championships 2021 at Skegness (Outdoor)

The final results for the above referenced championships are now available on the 'National Federation Website' which can be accessed at 'www.fedbowls.co.uk'.
Click on the following links in the Main Menu of that website to see all the individual and team competition results as well as a list of all competition finalists and winners
'Skegness 2021 - EBF Draw'
'Skegness 2021 - EWBF Draw'
'Skegness 2021 - Champions'

National Championships 2021 at Newark (Indoor)

2021 Indoor National Championships to be held from 4th October at Newark - results available on the Federation National Website accessed at: www.fedbowls.co.uk

2019 Samford Competition winners pictures

A gallery of 2019 Samford Competition winners can be accessed by following the '2017 Comps Winners Gallery' link in the Main Menu to the left.

Website Content (for the 2024 season)

The site contains the following information (which can be accessed via the appropriate links in the Main Menu or Sub Menu in the left hand panel):

Fixture Schedule for all divisions in all three section (2024)
League Tables for (2024)
List of Club Secretaries (2024)
List of League Officers (2023)
List of all Sections Team Captains & their contact details (2021)
The Constitution and Standing Orders (2023)

Standard forms for use by Club Secretaries and Team Captains (2023)
Draw for the Millenium and Samford Cup Competitions (2024)

Finalists of Competitions

Millennium Trophy (2023)
Samford Knock Out Cup for 2022)
Samford Individual Competitions (2022)